If you’re a beginner or just need to brush up on your skills, we can help you prepare for your ski or snowboard adventure.
Camelback Mountain is one of many Pennsylvania ski areas that teach safety first. In accordance with The National Ski Areas Association, all skiers and snowboarders should respect the responsibility code described below. Wearing a helmet is essential to personal safety, and kids should be properly taught the rules of both the mountain and the lifts. Camelback encourages all skiers and snowboarders to enjoy our Pennsylvania ski area but to do so in a manner that prevents injury to yourself and others.
Keep an eye out for our helpful staff if you need assistance anywhere and anytime while at our ski area.
Ski Patrol: 570-629-8759
Camelback Security: 570-517-7020
The National Ski Areas Association promotes the use of helmets on the slopes. We urge skiers and riders to wear a helmet – but to ski or ride as if they are not wearing a helmet. NSAA views skiing and snowboarding in a controlled and responsible manner – not helmets only – as the primary safety consideration for all skiers and boarders. A skier’s behavior has as much or more to do with the safety of the sport as does any piece of equipment.
The National Ski Areas Association views using and riding chair lifts in a responsible manner as one of the primary safety considerations for all skiers and boarders. A skier’s behavior has as much or more to do with the safety of the sport as does any piece of equipment from helmet to chair lift.
Out of safety concerns for guests, employees, and resort property, as well as concerns for individual privacy, Camelback Resort prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public – including recreational users and hobbyists – without the prior written authorization from the Resort. This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within Camelback Mountain Resort boundaries. This prohibition on drone operations or use extends to any drones launched or operated from Resort property, as well as drones launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Any authorized operation of aerial drones may be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, local law enforcement, as well as those policies separately established by this Resort, which may include certification, training, insurance coverage, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability. Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your skiing or snowboarding privileges, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any drone equipment, and may subject violators to any damages, including, but not limited to, damages for violations of privacy and/or physical or personal injuries or property damage, as well as regulatory fines and legal fees.
Camelback is accessible for skinning during winter operating hours with a valid season pass or a valid all area use ticket. Outside of winter operating hours the resort may have operations in progress including but not limited to snowmaking, grooming, vegetation trimming, electrical work or terrain park feature construction. Due to these activities and all associated vehicle traffic occurring on the mountain skinning is not permitted outside winter operating hours. Refer to skicamelback.com for daily operating hours.
Get permission to travel uphill by stopping in at SKI PATROL to…
Identify how many people are participating
Approval for authorized route of travel
Conditions or restrictions
Start time
Approval is at the discretion of Ski Patrol based on time of day, current or expected crowds, trail conditions and in some cases weather. It is required that each participant in night or early morning skinning wear headlamps or other identifying lighting for identification to downhill skiers.
Stay to the sides of the trails as much as possible when climbing. The less obtrusive you are, the more likely that you and other telemarkers/skinners will be welcomed back.
If the ski area designates specific uphill routes, always stay on them.
Don’t climb on closed terrain (note: it’s your responsibility to check which trails are open – that may not be clear when climbing up, since the closed
ropes are put at the top of trails, not at the bottom.
Always be aware of traffic coming down the hill at you. This is especially true if you are crossing a trail. Do not stop in an area where you are obstructing a trail or are not visible from above.
Switch backing is FORBIDDEN. If you have options, climb the longer, less-steep trails.
Stay clear of all trails where grooming operations are in progress. The cables for winch cats are particularly dangerous as they can be buried under the snow and suddenly snap up.
Follow any directives from Ski Patrol, Ranger Patrol or mountain staff.
Only use equipment with ski brakes or leashes.
For the safety of our guests dogs are not allowed on Resort property.
Hiking and snow shoeing is not permitted on Camelback property.
Ski Patrol and Ranger Patrol reserves the right to ask you to leave the property if you are not in possession of a valid all area use ticket, a valid season pass or if you are not abiding by Resort skinning policies.
If you’re a beginner or just need to brush up on your skills, we can help you prepare for your ski or snowboard adventure.
No ski or snowboard equipment? No problem. We offer a variety of ski and snowboard equipment rentals for you to use.
It’s impossible not to have fun while snow tubing — go ahead, we dare you to try at one of our 42 lightening-fast tubing lanes and Galactic experience.